Front End blog

A new Front End blog: why you should read it and why not

Too many blogs around, and here there is one more. But this is gonna change your mindset.

Reading time: 4'

Published on October 27, 2021 (Updated on March 03, 2022)

Hi and welcome to my Front End blog!

In this article I am pleased to announce my new writing adventure.

But before talking about what you are going to find in this new Front End blog, why you should read it and why you shouldn't, I am gonna take 1 minute to introduce myself.

About me

I am Flavio and I am an Italian Software Engineer, most exactly a FullStack JavaScript developer, based in Barcelona.

Apart from that, I am also a digital content creator and a course publisher.

During my career I have developed several JavaScript based apps: web, mobile, and servers.

In 2020 I wanted to share all my experiences and some Front End anecdotes to the entire developer's community. So, I decided to create my Instagram channel called @frontendpills. I would suggest you to take a look at it to read some examples of what I usually post about.

In the same time I was also working on creating my first online course. A very challenging adventure which goal still is helping people on becoming a Front End Developer. The course is in Italian and it is available in the frontendpills website.
I also create masterclasses, live workshops which aim is to learn a specific topic in the shortest time.

Now let's stop talking only about me as it is time to focus on the blog. By the way, if you still want to read more, you can have a look at the about section.

Why a new Front End blog

This blog has been created to share a more international and varied content, ranging from technical content to soft-skills information. I will try to use a technical language but that will be comprensible even to the newbies.

I want to give a 360-degree content. So, it wouldn't be only a Front End blog but it will contain also other topics. Due to this it will include mentoring, news about new developer tools, or about software updates used by developers, in addition to the standard technical articles.

You can find contact forms to book a private consultancy about several topics, even if you want to hire me to build or to optimize any website. You could use it also to ask me something more general.

My main goal is to provide the best tools to start a new Front End career and to continue on this way, following the path to get your first job or to improve your skills.

What's the content of this Front End blog

In summary, here is roughly what we will talk about in this Front End blog:

  • How to start a career in the Front End: secrets and tips
  • The world of JavaScript: anecdotes and how to create web, mobile and server applications based on this programming language
  • Insights and updates on ECMAScript, development environments, browsers and so on
  • How to set up a project in the Front End and how to manage it
  • How to write your own technical resume and how to present yourself for an interview
  • How to improve your skills as a programmer and advance your position

At this point I have explained to you the main points of this blog and what it offers. You will have already understood if it can come in handy and if you will continue reading it. If not, focus on what I'm about to tell you in the next paragraph.

Why you shouldn't follow this blog

It could be strange but sometimes it's easier to reflect on the negative sides to understand if something fit our needs. There are so many Front End blogs out there and you may be wondering how this can be different. Below you will find many good reasons why this blog would not be for you:

  • If you think you can find a direct solution to what you are looking for, by doing a simple copy and paste. In my articles you will find first of all the explanation of the implementations. My goal is to make people understand the why and not provide a code without a any consideration
  • If you think everything is due and free, this place is not for you. The effort is there, I will not always be punctual with the publications, the courses are paid and the articles need a simple like to keep me going;
  • The content can be challenging at times. There is no shortcut. It takes time, patience and persistence to learn. If you don't have these qualities, then I guess, again, this place is not for you.

I hope you don't fall within the points listed. In this case you are a person who wants to learn and above all who wants to improve. Read on to find out why I chose * *.


It is called flaco mainly because I am skinny and flaco is its spanish translation, as I live in Barcelona. But it could be also the partial merge of my name and my surname as I am called Colonna as surname. I let you decide!

How to support me

In case you decided to start reading my Front End blog, it would be great if you could support me just doing at least one of the following actions:

  • Leave a like
  • Leave a comment
  • Share the article
  • Spread the voice with your friends

Let's connect

If you want to connect with me just look at my LinkedIn profile, and you can find me also on Instagram or on Facebook.

Let's start

Now it is time to start! I will wait you on the platform and to don't miss any new article just subscribe to the newsletter, also to receive discounts for the published or next courses.

It has been a pleasure to introduce you to my Front End blog and many thanks for reading!

The Flaco

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